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USA Median Net Worth

This thematic map presents the median household net worth in the United States in 2010. Net worth is total household wealth minus debt, secured and unsecured. Net worth includes home equity, equity in pension plans, net equity in vehicles, IRAs and Keogh accounts, business equity, interest-earning assets and mutual fund shares, stocks, etc. Examples of secured debt include home mortgages and vehicle loans; examples of unsecured debt include credit card debt, certain bank loans, and other outstanding bills. Forecasts of net worth are based on the Survey of Consumer Finances, Federal Reserve Board. These data are ESRI’s 2010 estimates. The geography depicts states at greater than 25m scale, counties at 1m to 25m scale, Census Tracts at 250k to 1m scale, and Census Block Groups at less than 250k scale. The map is designed to be displayed with semi-transparency of about 50% for overlay on other basemaps, which is reflected in the legend for the map.


Created by: BillyZ

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